Thursday, January 5, 2017

PAKHI DEKHUN PAKHI CHINUN ...(Observe the Bird and recognize)..RAIN QUAIL

PAKHI DEKHUN PAKHI CHINUN # 563/592(Observe the Bird and recognize)..RAIN QUAIL....COLOURED PENCIL AND GELPEN...2015... [From the photograph of MR. MANN ARYA]... The rain quail or black-breasted quail (Coturnix coromandelica) is a species of quail found in the Indian subcontinent, its range including Pakistan, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam.
The rain quail lacks barring on primaries. The male has a black breast-patch and distinctive head pattern of black and white. The female is difficult to separate from female common quail and Japanese quail, although the spots on the breast are more delicate. It is 6–6.5 in (15–17 cm) and weighs roughly 2.25–2.5 oz (64–71 g).
The call is a metallic chrink-chrink, constantly repeated mornings and evenings, and in the breeding season also during the night. It is quite unmistakably distinct from the call of the common grey quail.
The rain quail feeds on seeds of grasses and other plants, insect larvae and small invertebrates.[INFO:WIKIPEDIA]

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