Friday, January 6, 2017

PAKHI DEKHUN PAKHI CHINUN...(Observe the Bird and recognize)...SKYKES LARK

PAKHI DEKHUN PAKHI CHINUN # 555/584(Observe the Bird and recognize)...SKYKES LARK.. WATERCOLOUR...6*7 INCH...2015... [From the photograph of Mr. ANUP DEODHAR] .... Sykes's lark (Galerida deva) is a species of lark found in the dry open country of peninsular India. Its distribution is mainly restricted to Central India, although stray records have been found elsewhere in India. It is identified by its prominent crest and its overall rufous colouration. It has streaks on its breast which are less prominent than those found in the Oriental skylark.
14 cm. Quite small lark with prominent spiky crest (rather inconspicuous when folded), mostly buff plumage, medium-long stout bill, shortish tail.
Diet poorly known; apparently seeds and invertebrates. Forages on ground, singly, in pairs or in small loose flocks; walks and runs.
Male song, from ground or low perch or in flight, rich and varied.
Not globally threatened. Status uncertain; formerly probably fairly widespread and numerous, but now perhaps more local and less common. Relatively poorly known species.

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